Cloud Computing
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Cloud Computing and its Types

We keep reading about Cloud Computing in the news and on the Internet every day, Cloud Computing is a very useful technology, let us know what is Cloud Computing and what are its types – Cloud Computing and its types. 

Types Of Cloud Computing

With this, you can save all your important files like Documents, photos, music, videos, etc. You can save it on the computer as well as on the Internet, like clouds take water from anywhere and rain anywhere, on the same basis, Cloud Computing also works through the network, let’s know how it works. does

Big companies such as Google or Microsoft make very large data centers for Cloud Computing. A data center is a place where a large amount of data (such as your videos, photos, or documents) is stored. This is done, they are connected to a network among themselves and wherever needed, through the Internet, the data is delivered there immediately, for example, take Facebook Data Center, it is also connected to the cloud. The photos and videos you upload to Facebook are saved here and you can use this data anywhere in the world through Facebook’s application or website, all you need is Facebook’s application and user ID password.

But small companies who do not have enough money to build their own data center, then they can rent hardware and space on the internet through the cloud, for example, if you create your email id on Gmail then you have to google 15GB of cloud storage is provided free of charge, but if you need more than 15GB then you can rent it from Google Cloud Up to 30 TB of space is available for rent on one email id on Google Drive 30 The monthly rent of TB is Rs 19500 per month, you can check the complete list from here

Cloud computing does not mean just uploading data, Google has also made available many applications on the cloud through Google Drive, which you can run directly in your browser without installing it on your computer. These applications are – Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Forms, google drawings and google sites, apart from this, if Photoshop is not running on your computer, then you can also run it with the help of Cloud Computing, but for Cloud Computing you have a good internet connection is required

Now let’s talk about how many types of Cloud Computing are there – At present there are four types of Cloud Computing –

Private Cloud Computing – An example of private cloud is Google Drive, where all your documents are protected by your email id and password, they cannot be used by anyone other than you, it is considered somewhat more secure

Public Cloud Computing – Public cloud is available to every common person, for example, if an eBook is made available for free download on some site and you can download it in one click without creating an account. The public cloud is considered slightly less secure

Community Cloud Computing – Community cloud computing is available only to the members of a group, apart from this data cannot be used by any other person, for example employees of a company, only employees of the that company. may use the data available on the site or website maintained by any school and the material available on it may be used only by the students of that school or ia nstitution

Hybrid Cloud Computing – In hybrid cloud both public cloud and private cloud are used, on such a site some content is available to public and some content is available only to registered users, such cloud is called hybrid cloud. Huh

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